Kitchen & Laundry
Please get a plumber to check the cartridges and the sub-cartridge for damage and replace both if necessary. Ensure when upgrading or changing the sub-cartridge that the back seal is removed as this tends to stick to the brass body.
A stiff handle is often caused by a stiff cartridge. Please get your plumber to replace the cartridge.
Please check our innovations page here for the available spare parts.
Please get your plumber to check the cartridge. If it is white/grey, this will need to be replaced with a Felton F5 cartridge.
Please check our innovations page here for the available spare parts.
The Versadisc concealed shower mixer came with a 10-year warranty from the date of purchase.
If you are unsure how long you have had the mixer, please call us on 0800 743 358 and we can assist you.
Please check our innovations page here for the available spare parts.